language: Information About The Word 'language'

language is an acceptable dictionary word for games like scrabble, words with friends, crossword, etc.

The word 'language' is made up of 8 letters.

  • (n) a systematic means of communicating by the use of sounds or conventional symbols; "he taught foreign languages"; "the language introduced is standard throughout the text"; "the speed with which a program can be executed depends on the language in which it
  • (n) (language) communication by word of mouth; "his speech was garbled"; "he uttered harsh language"; "he recorded the spoken language of the streets"
  • (n) a system of words used in a particular discipline; "legal terminology"; "the language of sociology"
  • (n) the cognitive processes involved in producing and understanding linguistic communication; "he didn't have the language to express his feelings"
  • (n) the mental faculty or power of vocal communication; "language sets homo sapiens apart from all other animals"
  • (n) the text of a popular song or musical-comedy number; "his compositions always started with the lyrics"; "he wrote both words and music"; "the song uses colloquial language"

Using the word 'language' in Scrabble will fetch you 10 points while using it in Words with Friends will fetch you 15 points (without taking into consideration the effect of any multipliers).

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Words Ending With 'language'

Following are 7 words which end with 'language'

See all the words ending with language.

Words Starting With 'language'

Following are 2 words which start with 'language'

See all the words starting with language.

Words Containing 'language'

Following are 14 words which contain 'language'

See all the words containing language.

Other Info & Useful Resources for the Word 'language'

Points in Scrabble for language10
Points in Words with Friends for language15
Number of Letters in language8
More info About languagelanguage
List of Words Starting with languageWords Starting With language
List of Words Ending with languageWords Ending With language
List of Words Containing languageWords Containing language
List of Anagrams of languageAnagrams of language
List of Words Formed by Letters of languageWords Created From language
language Definition at WiktionaryClick Here
language Definition at Merriam-WebsterClick Here
language Definition at DictionaryClick Here
language Synonyms At ThesaurusClick Here
language Info At WikipediaClick Here
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