delect: Information About The Word 'delect'

Delect is a valid word in the English dictionary and can be used in Scrabble as well as other word games. It is a verb that means “to delight” or “to please greatly”.

Using delect in Scrabble can be a great way to score some high points. The word has 9 letters and falls under the category of uncommon words which makes it a great choice for players who want to challenge their opponents.

There are many ways to use delect in Scrabble. For example, the word can be placed vertically or horizontally with the “d” or “t” tiles placed on a double letter score or triple letter score tile. This can earn the player double or triple points, respectively. It can also be combined with other tiles to create long words with high points.

Some examples of how to use delect in Scrabble are: “I delect in playing Scrabble”, “The exquisite flavors of the coffee delects my taste buds”, and “The art gallery delects my senses with its beautiful paintings”. These sentences also give an idea of the types of scenarios where the word can be used in everyday language.

Delect is a versatile word that has a deep meaning. It allows a person to express their great pleasure and appreciation towards something. Using this vocabulary in everyday life can also add depth and grandeur to a person's language.

Therefore, it is important to not just memorize but actually learn new words like delect so that people can expand their vocabulary, communicate with deeper meanings and experience the language in its full capacity.

In conclusion, Delect is a valid dictionary word that has an impressive amount of letters and a strong meaning that can add depth to language. Additionally, using this word in Scrabble or other word games is a fun way to gain high points and challenge opponents.

The word 'delect' is made up of 6 letters.

Using the word 'delect' in Scrabble will fetch you -1 points while using it in Words with Friends will fetch you -1 points (without taking into consideration the effect of any multipliers).

Check out the Anagrams of delect

Check out the Words which can be formed using the letters of delect

Words Ending With 'delect'

There is 1 word which ends with 'delect'

See all the words ending with delect.

Words Starting With 'delect'

Following are 8 words which start with 'delect'

See all the words starting with delect.

Words Containing 'delect'

Following are 8 words which contain 'delect'

See all the words containing delect.

Other Info & Useful Resources for the Word 'delect'

Number of Letters in delect6
More info About delectdelect
List of Words Starting with delectWords Starting With delect
List of Words Ending with delectWords Ending With delect
7 Letter Words Starting with delect 7 Letter Words Starting with delect
7 Letter Words Ending with delect 7 Letter Words Ending with delect
List of Words Containing delectWords Containing delect
List of Anagrams of delectAnagrams of delect
List of Words Formed by Letters of delectWords Created From delect
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